Be the Happy Person You Want to Be

You’ll be glad you did (on the other side).

La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉
Change Becomes You


When you’re happy, you’re admired. You’re a role model to others as they envy you for an authentic life and a smile on your face they see and the impact you make in your life contributions.

People naturally want to know what you know and what steps you took for success in your life. In your assured confidence, others can sense you’re living whole, have mind-body awareness, are in control, and are living a healthier life.

But what if you’re not there… like, this season has left you with doubt, loss, or lemons?

There’s a distinction between authentic (showing up as uniquely you) and developing the optimistic authentic you that you want to become.

Both are great but the latter will get you to who you want to be faster.
“Fake it until you make it” is an expression that’s meant to help your mind-body catch up with your authentic desires. There are three of you involved.

If you can remember this, then you can gradually talk yourself into the happiness that I believe is the way to steer out of a rut or unproductive mood.
The clouds will lift if you will help yourself.

Believe that you are happy.

Find contentment in the unexciting.

And just keep doing what keeps you humming along. Remind yourself what good things you did that day (and forget the rest).

Pursue your enjoyable, creative passion as a…



La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉
Change Becomes You

My latest published articles are found at: -Love Over Ego For Extraordinary Life -Mind the Gap For Happiness -How to Be Humble…