Beyond Chemotherapy: A Guide to Alternative Cancer Treatments

Shaman Dao
Change Becomes You
Published in
7 min readFeb 7, 2024


Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

The couple sat in front of me and my Dad as we waited for our names to be called. The woman looked younger than me as her husband had his hand on her left shoulder. Her head slouched down in agony. It was my first time sitting in a waiting room that stretched the entire floor with cancer patients waiting to be seen. A clean and controlled building of the number one cancer facility in the States, MD Anderson, in Houston, TX.

We were also lucky to have gotten an appointment when we did because the nurse literally said and I quote, “We’re usually weeks to months out right now. It seems like God’s winking at you as you called in exactly at the time we had a cancellation,” she said. It was a mere four days prior that Spirit nudged me to make the call, which happened to be at the same time as the cancellation.

As I sat with my Dad, I could only wonder about the stories behind each of these patients and their loved ones with them. The feeling of hopelessness flowed through me as I watched the husband do what he could to console his hurting wife. The partners and the…



Shaman Dao
Change Becomes You

I write about practical spirituality and things that go bump in the night. Find out your ‘why’ with The Quantum Why Meditation