Beyond The White Picket Fence: A Journey of Healing and Hope

Shaman Dao
Change Becomes You
Published in
6 min readMar 15, 2024


Photo by Brad Switzer on Unsplash

Can you have it all after being subjected to pain, hell, and self-imprisonment at the hands of unaware and emotionally abusive parents?

Yes, yes you can and I’m living proof.

She woke up with the gentle fire still crackling from the evening before. A crackling which lulled her into a deep sleep where she laid her soul to rest. There were no astral meetings nor saving, as this type of rest saved her.

For the first time in a long, long time, she slept peacefully. Even though her perception of ‘long’ extended from a week to two weeks. But a week or two without peaceful sleep to her was ungodly.

As she walked past her moving boxes and suitcases, her eyes caught the three-foot white picket fence that leaned against the wall. A sign of peace and the promise of a new beginning.

It was not one of her psychic visions but a reality she lived in. When she was a little girl, she dreamed of having a home with a white picket fence. A dream she ran to because her five-year-old reality was one which she escaped from.

She clawed her way to a life where peaceful sleep became her everyday occurrence. After the clawing, came the crawling, to the baby steps, to the walking, and now, to the running.



Shaman Dao
Change Becomes You

I write about practical spirituality and things that go bump in the night. Find out your ‘why’ with The Quantum Why Meditation