Chadwick Boseman — Thanks For Waking Me Up To Greatness

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2020


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Ryan Hall

I’ve often said that I have two dream writing projects in my career. And they’re both movie scripts.

I believe this is something that the public doesn’t know about me is that despite that I’m a published novelist, with another manuscript in the can, and with an appearance in two different anthologies by the beginning of 2021 — I consider myself a dramatist and screenwriter first and foremost.

Both of my dream writing projects are biopics.

One of which is a biopic of Walter Cronkite. Aside from one of my earliest words as a baby being allegedly “konkite,” I find the man and his career terribly fascinating. From being on the air announcing that President Kennedy had been assassinated, to his scathing editorial commentaries on the Vietnam War, to his almost childlike giddiness as he anchored coverage of the Apollo 11 Moon landing in 1969, he was one of a kind.

My other dream project — and I’m stunned that it hasn’t been made yet — is Hammer — The Henry Aaron Story. Yeah, that’s my title…

Few athletes have had more stress during a crucial time in their career and life than Henry Aaron. With the death threats he received, the Atlanta Braves hired an off-duty Atlanta police officer as a personal security guard for…



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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