Circle of Trust — Online Friendship Boundaries

How has the digital age impacted how we choose and interact with our inner sanctum of true and trusted friends?

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo credit: iStock

By Theresa Byrne

If you’ve seen the movie, Meet The Parents, you’ll know the scene when Ben Stiller makes it into the “Byrne’s Family Circle of Trust”, and is privy to the knowledge that his father-in-law was in the CIA. Or is in the CIA. We’re never quite sure. Here’s a culmination of it from Meet the Parents and Meet The Fockers.

I love that concept because it indicates a cultural meme we all encounter: who makes it into our own inner circle? Who do we trust? And how do people get in? How do we create boundaries for who we let get close to us, and who we keep further away? And how does digital media effect all of this?

Thinking about the number of people that are considered “friends” or “followers” now on social media, how do you know who is someone worthy of being in that inner sanctum? Can we build connection, true connection, on a digital



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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