Common Features of the Most Read Medium Articles

Change Becomes You
Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2023


Photo by Rolf van Root on Unsplash

Based on general trends and patterns, some common features of the most popular Medium articles might include:

  1. Catchy headline: A compelling and attention-grabbing headline is often the first thing that draws readers in.
  2. Quality writing: The most read Medium articles tend to be well-written, with clear and concise language, good grammar, and engaging storytelling.
  3. Practical advice: Medium readers tend to value practical advice and tips that they can apply to their own lives. Articles that offer actionable insights, step-by-step instructions, or real-world examples are often popular.
  4. Relevance: The most popular Medium articles tend to be timely and relevant to current events, trends, or issues that readers care about.
  5. Visuals: Medium articles that include eye-catching images, videos, infographics, or other visual aids tend to perform better than those without.
  6. Length: The ideal length of a Medium article varies depending on the topic and the audience, but articles that are too short or too long can both be off-putting to readers. In general, a length of around 1,500 to 2,500 words is considered optimal.
  7. Shareability: Articles that are easy to share on social media or other platforms tend to reach a wider…



Change Becomes You

Freelancer, Writer, Editor, Blogger, Translator, Speaks Turkish, Kurdish, Russian, English. Find me on Instagram: @dervistekdemir