Common Ways That Kill Your Spirit

And how to restore self-love and happiness

America Zed⚡
Change Becomes You


Photo by Aaron Huber on Unsplash

There are some common things that humans do to improve life that simply don’t help in reality. Here is how to realise a chosen track is not even close to making you happy — and how to get back to being yourself.

Putting Other Peoples’ Values or Opinions Above Your Own

All kinds of people do this because they feel pressurised for one reason or another, either by relatives, partners or religion. However, no matter how well meaning people are, they cannot know what is better for you personally than you can.

If you live out someone else’s values in order to please them (or think they will love you more — which they won’t), or impress society at large, you can end up somewhere you seriously don’t want to be and may not be able to find a way out of the situation for years. Unfortunately, this scenario isn’t rare.

Personal Implications

You will feel fake (because you are) and weakness/shame (because deep down you know when you have lost self-respect) and may end up having mental health problems. You may eventually lose any real spark of life interest you once had, all because you didn’t honor, value or love your truth in the first place — and now…



America Zed⚡
Change Becomes You

Survivor. Optimist. Compassionate Soul ❤️ INSPIRATION / HELP ~ Top Writer in POETRY 🦋