Criticism And the Creator

Changing the narrative of the inner critic, and learning graciously from the outward ones.

Reylia Slaby
Change Becomes You


“To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.”
Elbert Hubbard

“I didn’t like your porn video.” — A message last year

For those that follow my work, it may be obvious that I don’t work within the adult industry. In this particular instance, I had struck a chord with a semi-nude Fine Art photoshoot I had worked on, and felt its echo in my ear for weeks after.

As children, when we come to understand language, we quickly realize that the world doesn't always have kind things to bestow upon us. We all cope with this harsh reality in different ways. After a ten-year career in the arts, I only have one rule for criticism, and that is “Turn it into growth”.

Considering the magnitude of emotions a single remark can trigger, it may seem over-simplified, trivial even. As living breathing humans with an ever-spinning kaleidoscope of emotions, hearing that our efforts go unappreciated, our opinions belittled, and our work brushed aside can hurt in the meanest of ways.

As someone who has received her share of unsolicited “critiques” as some might call them, I want to share my…



Reylia Slaby
Change Becomes You

Reylia Slaby is a Fine Art photographer, writing about her love for creating, and how others can use art in their lives | Insta @reylia.slaby