Dream to Act:

Try this activity to dream like never before — DREAM TO ACT!!

Ryan Gonch
Change Becomes You
3 min readMay 31, 2022


I should preface this article by saying that — -This article is about action as much as it is about dreaming!!

Take a second…

Let's take the brakes off and give ourselves the opportunity to DREAM BIG. Seriously, PLEASE, stop what you are doing, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and reach as high and as far as you can and ask yourself one simple question:

What if my potential had no limits, how would that feel, what would that look like and where would I be?

Ok — maybe that was three questions in one long sentence (sorry), but seriously — what would that look like? Imagination is this amazing gift God has given us, but the ability to act is equally as amazing of a gift!!

Let’s Be Real For a Moment:

We all have dreamed big at one point in time or another in our life…albeit…it might have been when we were children and our dreams were light with no limitations, but the reality remains…We have all dreamed big.

Take this for example:

***Insert Mom voice here***

Mom: “Johnny what do you want to be when you grow up”

Me: “I want to be in the NFL”

Mom: That’s great hunny…get ready…practice starts in 20 minutes and we are running late

(Mom walks away with a smile on her face saying to herself…how cute…)

Ok Now We’re Back to The Post

Let's be honest with ourselves…not all dreams will come true — -In fact, lets rip the bandage off right now —there is a complete certainty that we will ALL fail more than you will succeed — -However, if we do what we should, the success that we do experience — will be what matters the most!!

What if becoming a NFL player was really a dream of Johnny’s…What if he didn’t build excuses around why he couldn’t become a NFL player…What if…he focused and acted until he couldn’t act anymore….Might he have become an NFL player…I guess we’ll never know!!

Now Let's Think About What Dedication and Determination Can Do For a Moment!!

What if Johnny had the dedication to becoming an NFL player the way Wayne Chrebet.. a 5ft 10in 188 lb. all-star wide receiver for the New York Jets had…might he have succeeded?

Wayne Chrebet was no one special…he was a talented, undersized, wide receiver who, despite having a notable high school career and a record-breaking college career at Hofstra (tying a NCAAI-AA Jerry Rice record mind you) was not regarded as a NFL prospect simply because of his size. However, his actions and motivation were aligned with he dreams and he wouldn’t take NO for an answer!!

The point that I am trying to drive home here is Chrebet did not allow his dream to have limitation and better yet…his dream had action!!

Which leads me to this my friends…

Dream to Act!!

Warning: If you are dreaming to act you will trip, you will fall, you will have scars, but it will be worth it because that my friends is what life is all about THE JOURNEY!!

I mean it…let's take a chance on ourselves and dream like we have never dreamt before and then… lets take it one step further and act!!

Let's Be Honest

None of this is easy…on paper…it sounds simple, but in action it is not easy, but I leave you with this!!

Dedication, Determination and Desire is what will separate a dream from reality.


Make it a Great Day!!



Ryan Gonch
Change Becomes You

A relatively boring student of leadership and life!