Exhausting Your Talent (Rather than Suppressing it)

There’s a fine line between living life and experiencing it.

Zackary Henson
Change Becomes You


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

We all know at this point that action is a key, right?

Action isn’t the only key though…

So is intention, clarity, discipline, essentialism, decisiveness, planning, etc.

It’s like you have to be a lowly janitor just to have access to all the doors.

Ironic much?

So…how are we supposed to know if we’re just living life or truly living life?

Well, it’s not just what gets us to success, it’s also what gets us to live daily as the person who holds that success.

The difference between getting success and living success?

We can start living success today.

And I’m guilty AF for not doing it too.

When I really think about it I’ve done a lot of crazy things in my life. I’ve had a hell of a lot of fun, even when it was done without direction and wasn’t life-fulfilling.

I’m far more intentional now.

I have a mission, although still abstract. I have a direction that feels like a real possibility. A responsibility. An obligation.

