Feeling Behind in Life?

Here’s how to break free from the comparison trap.

Natalya Permyakova
Change Becomes You
3 min readSep 12, 2024


Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

We’ve all been there.

You scroll through social media, and it feels like everyone else has their life together. New promotions, engagements, babies — meanwhile, you’re just trying to figure out what’s next.

That sinking feeling of being behind in life? It’s all too familiar, especially in the fast-paced world of 2024.

But here’s the thing: most of the time, it’s not your progress that’s the problem — it’s the constant comparison.

The Comparison Trap

In 2024, social media makes it easier than ever to compare your life to others. You see other people’s polished, curated lives, and suddenly your own achievements seem small.

What we often forget is that we’re not seeing the whole story. Behind the glossy photos and big announcements, there’s struggle, doubt, and uncertainty — just like in your own life. Yet, we allow these filtered snippets to dictate our sense of worth.

But comparison doesn’t just come from Instagram. We’ve been conditioned by society to believe in certain milestones. By 30, you’re supposed to have a successful career, a solid relationship, a house, maybe even kids.

But the truth is, life no longer follows that linear path.

Careers are changing. People are getting married later, starting businesses at any age, and constantly redefining success. Feeling behind is often just a sign that your journey doesn’t match someone else’s, and that’s perfectly okay.

How to Stop Feeling Behind In Life

The first step to breaking free from the comparison trap is realizing that you’re not behind at all. The world has shifted, and so have the rules. The timeline you’re following isn’t broken — it’s just your own.

Here’s how you can start moving forward:

  1. Unplug from toxic comparisons — Take a break from social media or limit how often you check it. This isn’t about cutting yourself off from the world — it’s about creating space to focus on your own path. Without the constant stream of other people’s lives, you’ll be better equipped to figure out what you actually want.
  2. Define your own milestones — What does success mean to you? Not society, not your peers, but you. Maybe it’s building a location-independent business, exploring new creative outlets, or simply creating more time for self-care. Start small and build your own version of success, one that reflects your values and aspirations.
  3. Take an experimental approach — If you’re unsure about your next steps, think of life as an experiment. Try out new things — whether it’s a side project, a new hobby, or even a shift in your routine. Small experiments can lead to big revelations about what truly excites and drives you. My Life Quest encourages exactly this: an experimental, step-by-step approach to life design that helps you break free from outdated expectations and craft a life on your terms.
  4. Focus on progress, not perfection — It’s tempting to want to solve everything at once, but life doesn’t work that way. Focus on small, consistent actions. Celebrate the micro-wins — whether it’s learning something new or making progress on a passion project. Over time, these small victories add up, and you’ll realize you’re far from stuck.

Rewrite Your Story

Here’s the truth: You’re not behind.

You’re just on a different path, one that doesn’t conform to outdated timelines. And that’s okay. Success today is multifaceted — it’s not just about hitting specific markers by certain ages. It’s about living a life that feels right for you.

By redefining your own version of success and stepping away from the comparison game, you’re giving yourself permission to live authentically.

My Life Quest offers a structured way to do this — helping you carve out a roadmap that’s uniquely yours, aligned with your values, and designed to evolve as you do.

So the next time you feel that familiar pang of inadequacy, remember: you’re not behind. You’re exactly where you need to be, and the only comparison that matters is the one you make with your own growth.



Natalya Permyakova
Change Becomes You

Entrepreneur, writer, founder of mylifequest.io. I write about designing and living life on your terms.