Finish What You Start

A tale of enlightened discovery.

Dustin DeRollo
Change Becomes You
2 min readDec 27, 2021


There was a hand-sketch of the tree pictured here on the back of a kombucha label I found littering an oceanside curb hosting a “spiritually” decorated van.

Under the sketch, there was charcoal-colored writing, notes maybe. It said that if you sit in the Lotus position in front of this tree, closing your eyes and opening your mind to the world’s harmonies and vibrations, you can see your life’s path and all those who you should bring with you along the way. You can see the path to your individual harmony with Mother Earth.

To do so, you had to begin your journey just after sunrise, before the marine layer lifts. At that sacred spot, you must burn sage in front of you while holding a healing crystal in one hand and a chicken neck bone in the other.

My extremities filled with an excited warmth as I saw a quick solution to the challenges I face and a sure-fire approach to inner peace.

I tried. I hit my town’s mystical stores and dank-smelling vehicles with open trunks and spiritual wares for sale.

With the bite of the morning dew and cold mist on my face, I found the sacred tree. I folded my large frame into Lotus. Eyes closed, mind open, clutching crystal and chicken neck, breathing in the cleansing sage, and I saw….nothing.

Confused, I picked up the Kamboucha label and read past the part of easily guaranteed Nirvana.

“PS, take a shit ton of acid.”

You should always finish what you start.

Love and light.



Dustin DeRollo
Change Becomes You

Husband. Father of a huge blended family (7 kids), co-founder of a political and media consulting firm.