Generative AI Chatbots: Why Language Is Consciousness and Intelligence

Consciousness is described with experience for example, what it means to see red or smell lavender. So, if a word is seen, does that not mean consciousness too?

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo credit: iStock

By David Stephen

There is a new paper in PNAS, Building transformers from neurons and astrocytes, where the abstract stated that “Glial cells account for between 50% and 90% of all human brain cells, and serve a variety of important developmental, structural, and metabolic functions. Recent experimental efforts suggest that astrocytes, a type of glial cell, are also directly involved in core cognitive processes such as learning and memory. While it is well established that astrocytes and neurons are connected to one another in feedback loops across many timescales and spatial scales, there is a gap in understanding the computational role of neuron–astrocyte interactions.”

The computational role of neurons-astrocyte interactions in relation to transformers, the AI architecture responsible for LLMs may play a role in the future of generative applications. The success of LLMs drives regular assessments of their capabilities. There are debates about their intelligence since what they do is to predict the next word…



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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