Hangry Birds

Eat breakfast before you leave the house, pack your own lunch for work and don’t be a Hangry Bird.

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo Credit: iStock

By Jonny Lupsha

Sometimes, being a parent is as much about learning what not to do as anything else. Fortunately, in my seven years as a father, I’ve seen ample cautionary tales and bad examples of parenting to avoid in order to be a good man in general and a good dad to my kids. One of the most obvious givens to me over the years has been putting my family’s needs ahead of my own whenever I can, and at least putting their needs in front of my wants. So imagine my surprise when I encountered two fathers in a week who chose to loudly express their annoyance with their families because dad hadn’t eaten recently enough — or as I like to call them, Hangry Birds.

The first was in the pediatrician’s waiting room when my wife and I took our newborn son for his day-after-discharge well visit. Any parent can picture this scene. The glass partition separated the healthy kid waiting area from the sick kid waiting area. New, first-time parents kept watchful eyes over their newborns. Sick schoolkids leaned their heads on their moms’ shoulders, pouting and red-faced. Parents checked their watches.

The guy next to me was an early 20s frat boy whose girlfriend was carrying their newborn, his car…



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

We're having a conversation about the changing roles of men in the 21st century. Main site is https://goodmenproject.com Email us info@goodmenproject.com