Happy Earth Day

Glen and Yvette Henry and their family are inviting all those interested to pledge to walk as part of Earth Day on Saturday April 22nd 2023.

Change Becomes You
4 min readApr 21, 2023


Beleaf in Fatherhood — courtesy of https://www.instagram.com/beleafmel/

This is such an awesome initiative that encourages all of us to take better care of our health and that of our loved ones and family member. Now that Spring is kinda of here..this is the perfect activity to get the gang together! Whether you have your own family or whether you have a great community of friends and loved ones!

Why am I interested in this?

There are so many benefits to walking and being outside. Too many times has been spent reminiscing about the good old days when as young children some would be sent outside to play and explore their environment.

Explore the Outdoors, courtesy of https://www.instagram.com/musingswithmo_/

Now, this might not be the case for everyone (myself included!) in childhood but it is certainly a habit I hope to adopt in my adult life. As a young adult desiring to start my family and teach my children good habits, taking care of my own health is a very important lesson to start learning now so that I can teach my children later.

I am sure there are a lot of us out there who would attest to this.

Photo by Agung Pandit Wiguna

There are so many benefits to walking and being outdoors such as:

Burning body fat and strengthening muscles.

Increasing energy and reducing fatigue.

Strengthening the heart and increasing circulation.

Reducing stiffness in joints and improving posture and flexibility.

Improving mental alertness, memory, creativity and problem solving.

(Want access to more stories like this? Click here !)

Photo by Tim Gouw

Renew Your Mind

Moreover, if none of these benefits really speak to you, then consider the mental health benefits. No one will argue that being outdoors and enjoying nature will negatively impact your mental health. In fact, it does the opposite. Given the fact that safety is secure, being outdoors is the best thing for one’s mental health.

We breathe in fresh air and can renew our minds at the same time. I vaguely remember writing an article for this during the pandemic that I submitted to my university newsletter.

The same sentiment shared then still stands now. We enjoy the beauty of nature around you. The whole trope about stopping to smell the roses isn’t too far fetched.

In fact, I am sure a lot if us might not even be able to recognize a wild rose in its natural setting. So, how then do we smell what we do not recognize??

Even if you live in a concrete jungle, be assured that you can still find space to explore, it just requires intentionality.

Photo by TU NGUYEN

The key thing is to learn to take moments to pause, slow down and just be still within our environment. Everybody’s unique situation is different but I would encourage you to find a route to take in your neighborhood and just explore.

For more information and to join the pledge with the Henry family, please feel free to visit their website at: https://walkforearthday.com/


It is never too late to start smelling the roses!

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Change Becomes You

A rehab scientist that blogs about self development and all things adulting! ~ Writer | Researcher | Communicator musingswithmo.wordpress.com. #AGirlOnAMission