Here’s How To Meditate With Your Eyes Open

You don’t need to close your eyes, Zen Buddhism and other traditions meditate with open-eyes.

Ariel Kern
Change Becomes You


Photo by Ralf Skirr on Unsplash

“I forgot to tell you the basics of Zazen,” said the monk as we walked into the ritual room of a small Zen Buddhist temple in Tokyo, “sit in lotus on the cushion, spine straight, eyes open, gazing down and ahead of you.”

“Keep my eyes open?” I asked curiously. I’d never done that before except for moving meditations.

“Yes,” replied the monk. “You will face the wall. Keep your eyes relaxed but open.”

After that, I sat all day practicing the Zazen technique used in Zen Buddhism for the first time. And I struggled. I wanted to go back to my familiar practice of eyed closed that I had done for thousands of hours.

Sharing my story with a friend frustrated with the lack of progress in her own meditation practice, I hoped to explain how we all face challenges. But she connected with something else I had said,

“Wait,” She jumped in, “you can meditate with your eyes open? I should try that. Whenever I close my eyes, the darkness overwhelms me and I get kind of weirded out.”

Many people tell me they fall asleep when they try to meditate. If that happens, you should probably…



Ariel Kern
Change Becomes You

Japanese culture from Tokyo. Spiritual growth from experimenting. Future musings from tech startup. Learning people’s stories around the world.