How Being a Better Reader Makes You a Better Problem Solver

Reading forces you to think through another perspective so your imagination can benefit from it.

Luca Tognon
Change Becomes You
2 min readOct 19, 2021


Nowadays this is one of the most required skill when you are looking for a new job and play an important role in every aspect of your life. The problems never end in this world.

But where to start and how could you improve this skill?

Photo by CJ Dayrit on Unsplash

Start with reading everything.

And with everything I mean everything. From history to quantum physics, from anthropology to engineering, and so on. Be curious!

These topics are just an example, I didn’t read any of those books. The sense of this statement is to be open to different topics, ideas, cultures, and life experiences so you can have a broader vision and see the bigger picture of a problem.

And reading is a great starting point for this.

Reading forces you to think through another perspective so your imagination can benefit from it.

When I was younger any problem looked unsolvable. And the only book I read was sports newspapers. I never read one of them too.

Just the thought to read something made me feel sick. It was too exhausting for me.

But at some point, something changed.

I didn’t realize when It all started but I knew I always wanted something different from ordinary life. And to do so I had to do something different. That’s when I decided to read books and subscribe to audiobooks.

The first step was changing the bias on things I didn’t know. And to do this I had to change something. I had to change myself. I had to see things from another perspective. As Max Planck says in this quote:

When you decide to change the way you see things, the things you see start to change.

It all starts within us.

We can decide that we are always right about everything and stay in the same situation forever, or we can learn from our mistakes and avoid the same problems.

Remember that change takes time and every small step forward it’s a step to succeed in the future, so don’t be too hard on yourself when things don’t work out.

Patience is the key.

Have patience with all things, But, first of all with yourself. — Saint Francis de Sales

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Luca Tognon
Change Becomes You

I write about how you can improve your life, be interested in new ideas and always look for something to learn. — From Italy