How Poor Physical Health Stunts Your Success (Part 1)

The things we ignore, the industries that make them harder, and the way to overcome them.

Zackary Henson
Change Becomes You


Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Note: I rarely write about physical health…but the truth is that it’s a part of everything that I’ve ever grown into, even as a writer.

Taking care of the body has a direct effect on how well the mind works, how positively we experience life, and even how efficiently we live our lives.

I write this not because I think everyone should be athletes or dedicate huge portions of their lives to athletic superiority or showmanship. Everything I’ve done with a competitive edge could have been done purely for the sake of mental, physical, and even spiritual health benefits.

Physical health is NOT a luxury, it is a freedom and a necessary key to making all other parts of your life enjoyable and ideal.

You just have to decide how you want to do it.

I’ve spent my whole life being active.

Not just active, but intensely dedicated to pushing my body to the limits. Luckily, I’ve found myself still capable of moving around efficiently and my heart is still beating.

