How to Achieve Personal Well-Being Through Wellness?

The wellness wheel — A better, balanced life.

Ben Mumme
Change Becomes You


Photo by Coen van de Broek on Unsplash

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” -Albert Einstein

Most of us regularly utilize some type of vehicle; whether you use a bike, car, tractor, wheelchair, or scooter the common element for each is a tire. Tires are symmetrical, move easily and help us attain smooth travel. When the tire is flat, travel is impacted until the tire is changed. Alternatively, it creates a bumpy ride! Using that same analogy, to have a sense of well-being in our lives, there is a balance that must be achieved to keep our bodies and spirits strong enough for our journey called “life.”

The term ‘wellness’ may be a new term for some. While health and wellness seem similar and are often used interchangeably — they are distinctly different.

Health — the absence of infirmity, disease, or discomfort.

Our health is guided by a physician or care provider using testing, medications, and scientific data to determine the presence or absence of disease. A person seeking to be healthy will respond to physical symptoms and strive to keep their body free of symptoms or disease. They may use medication or other holistic approaches, but the goal is to remain free of disease.

