How to Become Lucky

It is more than good genes or by the grace of god.

Change Becomes You


Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

I am a strong believer that the time we spend at school should be shortened but I will be forever grateful for my maths class on probability and statistics.

We often categorise events or people as lucky or unlucky. We are guilty of using either or scenarios, turning a grey world into black and white. And this is how our brains make sense of things and we manage to survive in life.

We look at celebrities and think they are so lucky; I wish I had that kind of environment growing up, we say. For sure, we can’t manifest blonde hair tomorrow or wake up on a pile of money instead of an orthopaedic mattress.

But our actions, behaviours and mindset can help us put certain odds in our favour. As a life coach and someone who has taken a few risks in life, I also believe that certain elements of luck can be created. Cue my probability class from high school:

An outcome is the possible result of an experiment with each possible outcome for each experiment being unique.

What if we increase the number of experiments?

Proactiveness in randomness

Popular culture advocates leaping at opportunities. I agree but at the same time, what are…



Change Becomes You

Top writer. Life Lessons through Work|Health|Personal Growth. Self-published author :