How to Cherish Yourself More

If anyone deserves to make sure you’re cherished, it’s yourself.

Nia Cherie
Change Becomes You


Photo by Brandy Kennedy on Unsplash

One of the many things about attraction is that we are attracted to people, friends or romantically, who remind us of what is familiar.

Usually, that means we are attracted to people like our parents, but really it means we are attracted to people to treat us like we treat ourselves.

Many people might not experience a lot of warmth or cherishing growing up, so they have not learned how to cherish themselves. Yet, it is likely something many people want.

Cherish: to protect and care for (someone) lovingly.

Definition from Oxford Languages

Cherish is the opposite of betrayal in the sense. It’s the idea that someone is going to care for and protect you, hold you dear, and all in a loving manner. The more we can cherish ourselves in the relationship to self, the more we can feel more cherished in our lives.

This also means the more we are more attracted to people who cherish us. Because again, we are attracted to people who feel familiar.

So here is a list of ways to cherish yourself more. It takes at least 21 days to form a belief that you are cherished so I put 21 different ideas for things you could do to show yourself some cherishing:

Cherish List

  1. Buy flowers for yourself
  2. Make alist of ways to get your needs met and do those things (like a task or to-do list)
  3. Do a face mask
  4. Give yourself a head massage
  5. Be patient with yourself when I’m busy or can’t do things
  6. Do check-ins often about how you feel
  7. Give yourself regular compliments
  8. Treat yourself to a nice meal or dessert
  9. Learn your love language
  10. Practice your love language on yourself
  11. Talk yourself on a walk
  12. Dance to your favorite music
  13. Take yourself out on a date
  14. Get yourself a nice outfit to wear
  15. Carve time to read your favorite book
  16. Finish paying off all your bills then compliment yourself when you do
  17. Validate your feelings
  18. Give yourself a foot rub
  19. Sign up for a class you want (e.g., cooking class, yoga, photography, etc)
  20. Engage in self-pleasure (check out here some high-quality items on sale here)
  21. Write a love letter to yourself

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Cherishing yourself daily is a beautiful way to increase your feelings of self-love. You also are attracting more love into your life by taking care of yourself in that way.

Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash

You deserve to feel more cherished and loved, so show yourself by incorporating more of that into your life!

For more self-date ideas check out my FREE pdf here.

So what way are you going to cherish yourself more today?


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Nia Cherie
Change Becomes You

I enjoy spreading the truths of what I've learned about love, compassion, life, and empowerment. Thanks for reading! :)