How to Deal With Unwanted Emotions

You don’t have to like your emotions, but you have to accept them.

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Pieter Van Winkle

Our emotions can’t be controlled. We can’t decide when we feel sad, or angry, but we can decide how we react to these emotions, and how we let them affect us. Ultimately, we want to get to a place where we feel as though there are no longer “unwanted” emotions. They are all wanted, loved, and desired. What makes us miserable is when we want something different from what we have, and this includes emotions. What gets us to a better mental state is being okay with, accepting, and even wanting what we already have.

Of course, that’s easier said than done.

The thinking state vs. the feeling state

There’s a pattern I see in men: they have a feeling state that leads directly to a thinking state. When men feel big emotions, they immediately switch to the thinking state. They don’t take the time to process and truly feel the emotion, because they’ve jumped directly into overanalyzing the situation and trying various problem-solving tactics without truly understanding what problem they’re even trying to solve.

Because we aren’t able to properly process our feelings when we have big emotional reactions to…



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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