I Am the Creator of My Own Life

Change Becomes You
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2020

Almost daily I am reminded of this most potent teaching- that my life is built on a series of choices and manifestations. The idea that I’d chosen everything, that all I was perceiving and experiencing and receiving had been my design. At times this has been strong medicine.

And my creating goes further. I’m also the creator of failed love relationships. Past strained family events. Self-victimization, addiction, regret over now meaningless interactions.

Of course I hadn’t done any of this intentionally, but there was a lesson waiting to be learned. My lineage, my ancestral tendencies, my personal history: all these were playing out through me. The sad part is that I was telling the story as a victim of circumstances, as though it was happening to me. The truth that set me free, ultimately, was that it had all happened or been perpetuated through me – and I could create a change as soon as I wished.

Understanding that I am the source of it all is now my privilege, my freedom, my work, my acceptance. Accepting this in myself, I am far more willing to accept this in others. Knowing that we are all, in some way, the creators of our lives, I am more receptive and more deliberate, which feels like peace.

Being a creator means I own my past; poor choices and victories alike. Have you taken stock of your 2020 yet and acknowledged how much you learned, grew, experienced, conquered? Take a few moments, and write a little thank you note to this year – for the teachings, the toughness, the highs, the sweetness.

Being a creator also means you’re in charge of this present moment. Choosing actions and thoughts that are in alignment with your highest ideals is a practice for us all. Being a creator means designing your future too.

What are you creating for your future?



Change Becomes You

Creator. Kundalini yogi. Lover of all. Student of life.