If You Want to Succeed Stop Doing This

It’s not difficult, but takes effort.

Ria Vanessa Caliste
Change Becomes You
4 min readNov 16, 2022


Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

I get you.

Life has been tough.

The well laid out plans didn’t quite work out as you intended.

A decade later you are left holding the pain, broken promises and dreams that didn’t materialize.

It wasn’t suppose to be this way you keep saying to yourself.

You regularly envelope yourself in a fit of tears and wishful regrets about past mistakes.

It’s easy to be a victim.

You should be a victim.

You were promised the world, yet here you are trying to pick up the pieces of whatever life has dealt you a blow.

You seek support, after all you have endured many difficult moments.

You deserve sympathy.

You deserve to be doled out financial support. It can’t be expected that after all this you are to get up and go again?

So you wallow in the pity of yesterday, content to make it your permanent home.

After all who would expect any different given the circumstances you faced?

Then there is the person who is held accountable.

Had they done this, or this, you wouldn’t be here now.

Life would be different for you.

Everyday you get up, you blame them for life existence itself!

You blame them for not completing your education.

You blame them for not making enough money.

You blame them for your children not going the best schools, you blame them for the community in which you live.

You blame them for just about everything including even the weather!

I get it life has been difficult in one way or the other, we are to some extent all victims, and we can also blame others for some of our challenges.

One thing that is never taken away from us though is the power of choice.

You have a choice, I have a choice, will you live as a victim, a blamer your entire life?

There is much to blame others for and there is another spot in the long assembly of victims lined up ..just waiting for company to sit and reminisce on yesterday.

It’s easy.

It’s convenient.

You deserve to talk about the injustices.

Is that all to the rest of your life though? Can you still possibly carve out a dream, a desire within that has been pushed to the background for all so long?

It’s up to you… You have a choice.

You can continue to live as a victim, you can continue to blame others.

Please don’t misunderstand, there are some horrible experiences we sometimes have. However, there is always a choice to make.

Will you continue to wallow in self-pity or will you like the Phoenix bird, raise your head from the ashes and look around to see what next you can do?

Resilience is not based on some special strength reserved for some.

It is that willingness to not give up, no matter what. Even when the situation is so tough and you just feel like giving up.

You keep going not even knowing at times why you are still going.

You have a choice.

A victim gains sympathy, support for some time, but eventually all persons have their challenges and a victim continuously seeks to be carried by others.

Then you can blame, yes if someone or something hadn’t happened your life would not be like that . I GET THAT. WE ALL DO.

You still have a choice.

Will you stay as a victim or blame others or circumstances, or will you choose to get moving, even if to a crawl at first until you can stand and walk again?

Your future depends on the choice you make.

To succeed you can’t remain a victim, you can’t continuously blame others.

You have to move, no matter how little.

Athletes who go on to Olympics and gain world championship medals, often talk about the times they feel as if they have nothing more to give and want to give up and the spur on by their coaches and supporters keeps them going.

Think of a marathon runner, the beginning is easy. As the miles bear down, every muscle aches, screaming out for you to stop.

If you stop you can’t say you completed the marathon.

So you push on because more than any medal is the commitment made to yourself to not stop before you cross the finish line.

So you bear the aches, the discomfort, the desire to stop and push on and eventually you reach that finish line and cross it.

So it is with life, there will be aches and pains, you may slow down, you may even stop for a while, but choosing to stop indefinitely is the only time you fail.

You may have done your high school exam a million times and not succeeded to get that high school diploma, but maybe the millionth plus one time will be when you succeed.

You may have opened the business you dreamed about all your life and then your business partner flees with all the investment and profits made so far. You are forced to start again. You don’t want to….yet you pause and begin and do better than even before.

You didn’t get the scholarship that provides funding to go to college.

You find yourself working and now have a child along with yourself to care for. The dream of going to college seems a distant past memory it looks very impossible…but if you will make one small step, it can be that you can somehow begin again.

To succeed you have a choice, blame and be the victim, or begin again?

The choice is always yours…and you make it daily by your thoughts and actions.

Choose well.



Ria Vanessa Caliste
Change Becomes You

Engaging on a life long path of self discovery. Counselor, Writer for life. Connect with me at: axiomcounsel@gmail.com or www.axiomcounsel.com