Is This the Key to a Happier Life?

- The dichotomy of control

Mark Little
Change Becomes You


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

“Some things are within our power, while others are not. Within our power are opinion, motivation, desire, aversion, and, in a word, whatever is of our own doing; not within our power are our body, our property, reputation, office, and, in a word, whatever is not of our own doing.”

- Epictetus

What is the dichotomy of control?

At the core of Stoic philosophy there are many concepts that have immeasurable value. However, I believe the dichotomy of control to be the most important of them all. It is a simple framework that is effective in clearing the mind to focus your thoughts. The idea is to manage thinking patterns by gaining an understanding of the foundational concept of internal and external influences. The successful comprehension of the dichotomy of control provides you the opportunity transform your life.

The whole idea can be demonstrated with the original stoic philosopher. Zeno of Citium, a wealthy merchant trader in the third century BCE, lost almost all of his possessions following a series of misfortunate events. After being shipwrecked, Zeno had every excuse available to react emotionally, yet, he did not. Instead he found himself in a book shop where he picked up a book and decided to pursue a new path, which ultimately led…



Mark Little
Change Becomes You

A student of life. I hope to help inspire and guide my readers through my writings. Sign up to my newsletter