Just Do It

Are you an overthinker?

Morireoluwa ‘Tuase
Change Becomes You
3 min readOct 26, 2023


Photo by Sir Manuel on Unsplash

“Will it go well?

Will it taste good?

How’s my stomach going to feel when I try this?

What will people say? What will they think?

I feel like this only sounds good in my head, I’m just gonna leave it there. It can only be good in there.”

All these thoughts and many more live rent free in our heads sometime.

Okay, I know there are times when we plan things in our head and they turn out pretty well. Like when you have an outfit idea, and then you try it out it turns out really good.

But these thoughts we’re talking about right now, the ones that make you overthink, most of the time, yield no good results.

Out of fear of things not going well, or as we plan, we procrastinate. The feeling of pushing things further because we feel uncomfortable trying, leads us to not trying at all.

Many times, we just overthink things out of fear and self doubt. We get too scared to even want to try. Before I started writing to put out here, I used to think to myself that my writing was dumb, I mean, — who’s gonna read these things, they only look good in your eyessssss — funny now, but it wasn’t at that time.

Some of us don’t like to stress ourselves over anything at all. Trying something new is a form of stress. But did you know?Trying won’t hurt, but knowing that you could have tried but didn’t, will hurt, and — no one deserves to bite their fingers in regret.

Don’t stay worrying over the result you’d get, instead, channel your thoughts and emotions towards trying, and eventually, put in more work to make it good.

If you think you could do well as a dancer, give it a try. If it’s as a spoken words artist, give it a try. Whatever you think you have potential for, do that. Just do it. There’s no harm in trying, you know.

Stop letting those questions in your head make you anxious. You know you don’t have adequate answers to them anyways, so why worry?

We can not always wait for everything to be clear before we make a move. One true thing is that, if you want everything to be perfect, you will never make a move.

You enjoy being an ‘overthinker’? Okay, but you should pick what you ponder.

Who am I?

What do I love?

What can I do that others would love too?

Who will my service be useful to?

How can I start?

These are less draining things to think about.

Our excuses for not going or doing isn’t designed to stop us from going, but instead, it is designed to make us STAY fixed, making us remain in those excuses.

While I was putting this piece together, I subscribed to a newsletter, and one of their recent posts was centered upon having a positive mindset. And immediately, I knew that was the last piece.

The importance of having a positive mindset can not be overemphasized, you know, the thoughts of the heart proceeds out of the mouth. So many times, our actions are a result of our thoughts.

Listen, you are stronger than you think, and more capable than you can imagine. Every great achievement starts with believing in yourself, so cheer up. Believe in your abilities, stay positive, and you will achieve remarkable things.

“A negative mindset clouds your ability to make good decisions”.

Now, you choose.

