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Live 3D or 5D? That is the question.

It’s a no-lose situation but takes vulnerability to experience it…

Adam Slawson
Published in
4 min readJan 13, 2024


3D/5D, what does it mean and how does it apply in “real” life? Well, you know how 3G phone signal sucks in comparison to 4G and 5G? It’s a bit like that. Living 3D is, in short, a more logic/head-led existence in which we accept the reality we’ve been given. Living 5D is a more feelings/heart/emotions-led existence in which we create our reality. The latter has much more bandwidth for Self-expression.

In 3D there’s more reaction from anger, jealousy, judgement, etc and ultimately fear which results in keeping ourselves small. In 5D there’s a lot less reaction and more action through patience and compassion, and ultimately, love with ourselves and others which results in authentic connection and purpose. Even if you consider yourself happy living a life you have been given — isn’t it intriguing? It’s like, why have the frustration of using 3G phone signal if you’re aware 5G exists? To explain it further, here’s Einstein.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. This is not philosophy, it’s physics” Albert Einstein

If, as per the quote, everything is energy that includes humans. We are made from energy like everything else. The energy-in-motion of our Emotions to be exact. Most, if not all, the problems in life come from us not being able to allow the energy of our e-motions to move how it needs to i.e. express how we feel. When we can, the frequency/vibration of the energy that makes up who we are changes, in turn, our life changes (from 3D to 5D). Okay, “Einstein”, go on, how do we make this shift?

The starting point to changing our lives from 3D to 5D is understanding and accepting we’ve been programmed to behave a certain way by our parental and/or societal conditioning.

The next step is observing the trigger/trauma cycle. Something happens in the present which triggers a trauma and, in turn, a behavioural pattern from the past resulting in a shift in our energy, known commonly as an emotional reaction. We then, in a 3D world, live (without thinking about it) from that reaction. In 5D, one thinks about it and observes that life is reflecting back parts within us (traumas from the past) that need our attention and our acceptance (via a behavioural change) to heal them. So, through observation and acceptance, we can choose our actions (instead of reacting). It’s A LOT easier said than done, that’s for sure, but totally worth it! With practise, whatever caused the reaction in the present is seen as a blessing, at least eventually. Why a blessing? Because whenever we can observe a reaction within ourselves and choose to take responsibility for it, in turn, choose our action instead, we very slightly change our vibration which, according to Einstein, creates a slightly different reality — one that we’ve decided on. We are the creator and the created in our lives.

The chosen 5D reality that’s meant for us doesn’t just come overnight, though. It takes the work of sitting in the feeling and/or the unknown, aka uncertainty, aka vulnerability. Our egos HATE that feeling because, to our Egos, it’s always life and death so most people don’t go there and stay in 3D. To add more resistance to change, most of us have LOTS of healing work to do due to our formative years BUT, with practise (and it does become a lifelong practice), we gradually start to see the fruits of our labour as our bandwidth for holding and expressing our emotions deepens. And boy! What, connection with ourselves and others, fruits they are.

There’s a lot behind what’s written above and, as mentioned, noticing any reaction is a good thing. What’s written is based on Einstein’s theory of relativity and there IS a way of spending more of our lives in 5D than 3D. Mastering vulnerability is the best-known catalyst I have found for making the transition.

As always, thanks for reading. If something comes up for you reading the above, book a discovery call below and I’ll answer any questions you have.


With gratitude,


PRACTICE: Resistance reflections

WHY: Liberation through observation (then acceptance) is the start of transforming our lives

HOW TO START: Each morning spend 10 minutes observing your way of being from the day before. What caused emotional resistance or reactions?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Adam Slawson is a Transformational Coach, CEO, Author, Facilitator and Speaker. He: has guided Lululemon’s team in Transformational Inner Leadership, hosts the “Vulnerability In The City” radio show, facilitates workshops at multiple festivals inc. Boomtown and is regularly published in “Change Becomes You” writing about dating, relationships and emotional well-being. He believes “Our vulnerability is the catalyst to our freedom” and founded Plight Club clothing ( to encourage this conversation. With over 22 years of experience, he coaches those who’d like to master their vulnerability to overcome anxiety, transform their relationships and gain magnetic confidence to attract the life that was meant for them instead of accepting the one they’ve been given.

His mission is to redefine vulnerability till it’s seen as the courageous act it is. His talks and offerings help people learn the language of emotions.

For more tools on tips to become better at expressing your emotions download his free e-guide here and/or visit his website here.




Adam Slawson
Change Becomes You

Transformational Coach | Vulnerebel | Founder of Plight Club