Make It About Other People

Focus on expanding, on helping others. Making a difference will bring success, happiness, and freedom to every aspect of your life.

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo credit: iStock

By Mike Kitko

Do you focus on self-preservation or making a difference in the world? If you are stuck in self-obsession or just focusing on building a life for yourself, you’ll never fully feel happiness and freedom. Growth is the norm, unless we keep ourselves stuck. Focus on expanding, on helping others. Making a difference will bring success, happiness, and freedom to every aspect of your life.

Do You Focus On Making a Life or Making a Difference?

Most people I engage with will willingly and voluntarily admit that there’s something in their life that they want to grow — it could be their wealth, their health or their relationships.

But we are human beings, and by nature and genetics, we are expansive creatures. We look to grow at all times. Stagnancy — staying the same — makes us begin the process of death. So, we love to expand our circumstances and grow in every dimension of life.

Growth is the norm, unless we keep ourselves stuck.



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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