Media Content Doesn’t Win. Optimized Content Wins.

Defining the 5:3:2 rule and applying it to social media.

Ben Mumme
Change Becomes You


Photo by Maksim Shutov on Unsplash

When it comes to social sharing, the 5:3:2 rule is a ratio to follow for a well-rounded social strategy that will keep your fan-based community-engaged and help you build more followers for your brand.

Let’s break the rule down.

If you publish 10 posts per week then:

5: Curation Should be content from other sources, that is relevant to your audience.

3: Creation Should be content created by you, that adds value and relevant to your audience, but not sales focused.

2: Humanization Should be personal, fun content that gives character to your brand and adds a human touch so your audience can relate to you.

Content that is curated, created and humanized all have one end goal in common; to fulfill the needs of the audience.

Understand this rule then put it into practice.

Every time you publish on social media for your business, your audience needs to be highly prioritized. If a social feed does not deliver any valuable content to the audience, the fan base will disappear over time, decreasing media engagement.

