Meditation: Why Five Minutes a Day Beats “Going Deep” Once a Week

It’s called a practice for a reason.

Hilda Carroll
Change Becomes You


five minutes meditation
Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

Meditation is an ancient practice dating back thousands of years, and it has the backing of science for decades now. Even if you’re not a meditator, you’re probably aware of all the benefits it can bring to your life.

What you might not know, however, is that consistent practice is the most important thing. Even if that’s only five minutes most days. Of course, twenty to thirty minutes a day will yield better results. And twice a day is even better. But if you only do five minutes a day, it’s still worth it and can be of benefit to you.

Consider a meditation practice to be a mental and emotional fitness regime, which works similarly to a physical fitness regime. The fitness builds gradually over time, and short daily exercise gets you there quicker than ad hoc longer sessions.

So if you only have a few minutes to spare a day, it’s better to use them to meditate than to wait until the weekend when you can give yourself a longer session. (Although, feel free to have the longer sessions when you do have the time.)

In your short daily sessions, you give your body a chance to release some of the stress that it’s harboring. Often we have no conscious awareness of this happening…



Hilda Carroll
Change Becomes You

Hilda Carroll is a writer, meditation teacher and interior designer who helps people create sanctuary in their homes and lives.