My 97 Best Creativity Tips: Tips 21–40

Creativity flows from self-relationship.

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo credit: iStock

By Eric Maisel

[In this 5-part series, I want to share with you some of my top creativity tips gleaned from working as a creativity coach for the past thirty-five years and from having written 50+ books over the past fifty years. If you’re interested in training as a creativity coach, please take a look here.]

Find tips 1–20 HERE

Here are tips 21–40. Enjoy!

21. Creativity flows from self-relationship. You are the student and you are the teacher. The next time a creative problem arises ask yourself, “What do I already know that will help me solve this?” Begin to see yourself as your own best resource.

22. Allow for fortunate accidents. Pull out odds and ends from your refrigerator. Try combinations of food — pickles with peanut butter, apple juice with radish slices. Most will taste horrible. But maybe one will be a revelation!

23. Intending is more powerful than wishing. Intend to create. Hold the intention in your heart and in your belly. Grow creative through powerful intention.

24. How satisfactory is the life you lead between your creative stints? Are there some important improvements to be made? As much as we might wish it to be…



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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