Pay Attention! — Why It Really Matters

The many benefits of ‘attention to detail’ that can change our lives forever.

Macey Malone
Change Becomes You


Photo by Kevin Fox in Flickr — Do you see what I see?

Go to any job posting and you will see the “must be detail-oriented” nestled between — ‘good communication skill’ and a ‘team player’. Simply put, attention to detail is perhaps one of the most common traits employers look for in a new hire. No one likes mistakes and the main reason why checking through all the little details is important is because it prevents people from making huge blunders in the long run. This is why recently, I have been thinking about how focusing on the details can drive someone to achieve great successes in life and not just in the workplace! Hence being detail-oriented can be paramount regardless of job duties and life situations. Here’s how:

Attention strengthens memory

The more detailing you are into, the better it will help you retain your memory. Once you start paying attention to the little things in life, you will see that you remember better and can eventually focus more on things where prolonged attention is needed.



Macey Malone
Change Becomes You

Traveler. Thinker. Writer — Seeking knowledge in the world of writing