Practical Tips You Need To Pick The 5 Or So People In Your Inner Circle

Why do you need an inner circle? Who you need. Who you don’t need in the circle.

Tim Dahi
Change Becomes You


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

First, this selection is not an exercise in packing your circle with a high-powered group of people just because you believe they will open doors for you. An inner circle is not about transactional relationships. It’s far more important than that.

Opportunities will come knocking regardless and having the right people around can you help recognize them when they do. And having the right people that close is the reason membership to this very important layer of friends should never be left to chance.

“An inner circle is not about transactional relationships. It’s far more important than that.”

This should be a circle of your most trusted allies who will, by virtue of their proximity, come to know your intimate details, your dreams, your vulnerabilities as well as your strengths.

That alone is enough reason to ensure that not just anyone obtains this privilege.

A few things you need to keep in focus

  1. These are friends who will exert considerable influence…

