Questions You Must Ask Yourself Before Finding Your Next Job in Tech

The more thoroughly you answer these questions, the better your chances are at finding a job and role that will really suit you.

Tamar Meisels
Change Becomes You
2 min readFeb 15, 2022


Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash
  1. What do I enjoy doing for a company? What skills do I enjoy emphasizing?
  2. What am I good at? What are my strong points that make me valuable as an employee?
  3. What are some accomplishments I’ve made at my current job?
  4. What motivates me? What are my values?
  5. What type of company would I be proud to work for? Where their values align with my own?
  6. Am I more a fixer or a maker? What percent of my work would I prefer to be a fixer vs maker?
  7. What are the elements of my current role that I like or don't like?
  8. Why am I thinking of leaving the current role? Would a new company fix any of these issues for me?
  9. What type of work conditions are important to me? Work-life Balance, remote work, flexible schedule, commute time, salary, team-work, meetings, large/small team, big company/small company?

Consider the following questions before actually taking a new job-

10. Will this job enable me to learn things I don’t know? Learn from people that are more knowledgeable than me? If you are the most qualified in the room, that is a problem.

“If you’re the smartest person in the room, then you’re in the wrong room”
~Professor Feynman

11. Where might this role lead me? Will this role help me “get ahead”? What are my opportunities for growth in this company?

12. Do I seem to have a good chemistry with who will soon be my direct manager? Chemistry with your direct manager is critical. Is he someone I would enjoy working with?

13. What is the tradeoff I'm willing to take? No job is perfect. Try to narrow down all the parameters that are important to you and rank your priorities.

The more thoroughly you answer these questions, the better your chances are at finding a job and role that will really suit you.

Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash



Tamar Meisels
Change Becomes You

Jewish wife and mother, pursuing a life of happiness and meaning. Data analyst by day, blogger by night