Reading the Power of the Moment

As an elder, my main purpose is to support with wisdom and patience.

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo Credit: Shutterstock

By Terrell Washington Anansi

Read the moment you are standing in before you speak and be sure to understand the relevance to your speaking to the matter of the moment and speak within the breath of a pregnant pause.

Taking the moment to stop, listen and then respond could only savor the truth of the moment, but allows the moment to play itself out so you can see more of the story. When you know more of the story, your response can be a more accurate one.

The power of patience and awareness is a tool to be used when listening to the person you are conversing with. You can not hear them with compassion and love until you practice the art of listening.

One can never assume one hears another until you truly open your heart and ears because assuming you understand before actually listening only serves to make an ass out of you and me (ass-u-me).

When you speak in response it should be a moment before you speak, a moment of allowing the flavors of the conversation to sit within the caverns of your ears and travel to the chambers of your heart, then and only then can you respond in an aware manner. You can only be aware by listening to the communication…



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

We're having a conversation about the changing roles of men in the 21st century. Main site is Email us