Sign saying “Love yourself” with red roses lined up in a straight group which frame the words.
Photo Credit: Annie Spratt from

Self-Care Habits & Resources During COVID19

Daily habits and resources I’ve used for self-care during #stayhome.

Melissa Monson
Change Becomes You
Published in
4 min readApr 27, 2020


We’ve all heard the popular buzz phrase: self-care. It’s everywhere at this point. I have been an advocate of self-care for years, so taking care of myself mentally and physically is at the forefront of my mind. I will admit that I’m better at it during certain times than others, but I decided to be vigilant about it while staying home.

Staying home has given me more time in my schedule to allow for more self-care, especially in the morning. While I don’t do this routine every day, I do it most days. When I wake up, I go to the bathroom and take care of my cats and I immediately meditate and do energy work or tapping.

For my meditation practice, I used weekly therapeutic meditations as part of an online class. However, since the course recently ended, I switched to mindfulness classes from the fitness website and app Alo Moves. There are MANY free guided meditations through YouTube, therapists, coaches, and healers if you search online.

For energy work, I’ve been using New York-based coach Lara Riggio. I love that the videos are easy, short, and I feel better after doing them. I highly recommend the “Capacity Chakra Clearing” exercise. She also has specific exercises around releasing fear and anxiety around COVID19.

Additionally, I occasionally do the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or tapping for short. I have been using a free digital download for a tapping stress relief CD from “The Tapping Solution.” I love doing the morning tapping exercises after I meditate and it makes me feel SO calm!

Now that I’ve got my calm on, it’s time for breakfast and to maybe read some news. Following this, I might exercise in the morning or whatever suits my schedule that day. Whenever I exercise, I have increased the number of workouts I am doing to 6–7 days per week.

As mentioned above, I also use Alo Moves for exercising. I pay $20 a month, but I know they have promo codes and free trial periods to see if you like the workouts enough to justify a monthly subscription.

Alo Moves offers yoga, pilates, HIIT, barre, dancing, mindfulness, and more. Before this, I went to an expensive High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) gym. It was high-paced, intense, rigorous, and the workouts were an hour. I switched to working out at home last fall/winter to save money and time.

I have enjoyed trying out pilates and barre workouts the most. I’ve gotten into the 20-minute barre workouts. Yes, they are short, but trust me, they are intense, powerful workouts. If you stick with it, you WILL see results quickly, especially in your core because that’s one of its main benefits.

In addition to this, I go hiking on occasion. Yes, lots of stuff is being canceled or postponed right now, but NATURE IS NOT CLOSED. There have been many studies that allude to the powerful benefits of getting outside and how good it is for your mental health. Some have even alluded to it being the Vitamin N. Drive to a park or trail and go exploring!

**Fair warning, many, if not all of the public bathrooms are closed, so you’ll have to stop somewhere or bring your toilet paper.**

Lastly, I love to dance, so I downloaded the free app Just Dance Now, which connects to a smart TV or a TV with a media stick. I can dance to over 500+ songs by following the dancers on-screen moves. I am surprised at how much I sweat playing a game!

What I learned by using this as an additional form of exercise is that it doesn’t have to be so involved or rigorous to be a workout. Working out can be fun if you choose something you love and have fun doing!

I can’t forget to mention the importance of nutrition and sleep! Some nutritional supplements helping me are CBD oil and tea. I purchase my CBD from Denver, CO-based company CBDistillery, which is budget-friendly and undergoes a rigorous testing process. I also enjoy Traditional Medicinals organic herbal teas such as Chamomile with Lavender, Turmeric with Meadowsweet & Ginger, and Throat Coat Eucalyptus.

Speaking of drinks, I’ve been keeping a close eye on my caffeine and alcohol consumption. Excess caffeine is no one’s friend, especially if you have anxiety like myself.

Keeping an eye on my eating habits has been key too. Over time, I’ve been eating way less meat. I’ve been incorporating more plant-based or meatless entrees into my diet. This isn’t to say that I don’t ever eat meat or junk food. Some of my favorite products from Costco are Beyond Burgers and cauliflower crust pizza.

Lastly, with not having to drive to work in the morning and in general, I have been getting a lot more sleep. We’ve all heard it million times, don’t forget about the importance of sleep!

While this may seem like an exhaustive list of self-care, keep in mind that I’ve been building up some of these habits for years. It’s easiest to change one or two things and make gradual shifts over time.

Taking care of yourself is not selfish and doesn’t need to involve a lot of time. It can be as simple and quick as a bubble bath. Remember that when you take care of yourself, you can truly be at your best for yourself and others. What can you do to take care of yourself today?



Melissa Monson
Change Becomes You

I am currently exploring new opportunities in project management. Check out my LinkedIn here: