Should Your Decisions Be Based On Your Past …

Here’s some considerations in answering this.

Ria Vanessa Caliste
Change Becomes You
3 min readSep 1, 2021


We humans are programmed to make decisions based on past knowledge and experience. It shows up in our relationships, work, social and other aspects of life.

The past does teach important lessons but what if the past would also be leaving us locked there? Denying the opportunity to experience more unchartered waters.

You may think not me, I don’t do that.


Consider the last major decision you made. What or who influenced the decision and consider the role the past played in making the decision.

We are creatures of habit and learn in life to seek the option that can bring the greatest joy and least pain.

So consider a relationship that may not have worked out, anyone who comes into your path that demonstrates similar characteristics will immediately be remembered in reference to the past relationship and as such the perception of the person developed.

Seeing the past informs our present and future decisions, how then do we break away from past as an influencer in making decisions whether they were good or bad.

Even good decisions can be better if done differently from the past.

So how then do you do that?

Consider the new learning and experiences you have had and factor that based on the decision you make at the moment.

Take the valuable lessons learnt, but so many things may have changed since then — primarily among them YOU! That you owe it to yourself to consider the growth and progress you have made in deciding.

Secondly consider how this decision will impact your life –even with the best of knowledge and information a decision doesn’t always result in the outcome we desire, consider whatever the outcome if you can live with it and then decide.

Remain willing to stepping outside a comfort zone, it’s the only way to grow and truly live!

Sometimes we want to keep ourselves safe and it is indeed important to do, but sometimes, as I have learnt, playing it safe keeps you from enjoying life to the fullest.

At times, when making a decision consider that gut instinct rather than what your family and friends are suggesting.

I know by now you may be reading and saying “What, I can’t do that, they are my trusted advisors!”.

Sometimes others who exist in fear, may want to keep us locked in that fear with them and the only way to break out is to just go with it!

Please don’t misunderstand what I am saying, I am not saying throw caution to the wind and recklessly make decisions. I am simply saying there will come a point in your life where you and only you can know and do what is best for you and having the answer to that may entail doing differently to what you have done your entire life and stepping out even in fear, a fear that most persons their entire life give in to and stay locked in a prison.

Finally, when making a decision though in the past taking a similar action may have resulted in adverse consequences, doesn’t mean taking a course of action similar to that of the past, if you feel so inclined can result in the same adverse consequences as before.

So consider your past, take the experiences from it, but don’t let the past dictate your present and future, do differently even if considered different or a misfit from the general social reference group. You have one life to live so make it a happy and fulfilled one!



Ria Vanessa Caliste
Change Becomes You

Engaging on a life long path of self discovery. Counselor, Writer for life. Connect with me at: or