Sorry, All I Have Is on the 2nd Floor

Gabe Evaristo
Change Becomes You
Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2020

His left arm was crammed with faded tattoos. A gray and blond beard covered most of his face, hinting late 50s and not the trimming type. An empty coffee maker next to crackers and muffins, definitely expired, invited to stay away from the snacks area.

Photo by author

We had arrived at that truck stop around midnight, after 10 hours driving from the middle of nowhere, to the following stop. A trip intended to introduce me to different cultures and their people was about to do so in such a remarkable way.

Tray — as his old green tag suggested — welcomed me at the reception. “NO PETS ALLOWED, except for cats and dogs” was printed and framed on the wall. I wondered how many turtles and snakes had tried to stay at this road-side motel.

The printer didn’t work, so I got a handwritten receipt and key cards to my room. Room 219 — up the stairs, to the right. Healthy hot continental breakfast between six and nine am could be read a few times.

As I walked the staircase up, my nose senses indoor pool and fried chicken, my compulsive feet skipped through curry and maroon squares on the floor, while the coffee-stained carpet reminded me of another place I stayed on a road trip — back in 1998.

From Wichita to Topeka, it was a rough stretch. Billboards -yes, they still make those- displayed slogans about Christianity, abortion, sex-stores and way more republican signs that I’d like to admit.

In this part of the country, recommendations about health and voting are given by a pastor or a senator, which might be the same person, on a 300x250 sign. Freedom of speech is taken to a total new level. Biased opinions can be printed out in ridiculous dimensions, and become part of the daily commute for thousands of citizens.

I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born — Ronald Reagan. That phrase will stay with me for some time, I can guarantee.

The reason? Anyone driving through this very rural route will read it and believe the entire state is pro-life. No, let’s call it by the real name: some societies are still trying to decide what a 17 years old girl does with her body, and it all happens next to a statement about church and eternity.

In many states in America, there is a feel of sameness, while making stereotyping the rule rather than the exception. Black, gay, non-binary, immigrant, or just unalike? No can do.

You can almost smell a sense of hatred and unjustified bigotry against anyone who was not baked with the same mold. But wait — is there any justified bigotry? I doubt it, but most definitely it wouldn’t come from a place with no service on your phone, or unpaved roads.

Later that day, we craved for Pad Thai and some cocktails, but ended up having pancakes and a flat diet soda from a 24h-breakfast kind of place. I find hilarious how we went from a 5-course meal, paired with a nice Merlot at a French restaurant the day before, to a diner with greasy menus printed years prior, and copious amount of gravy-soaked food, only after driving 2-hours westbound.

Back at the hotel, Tray had been substituted for Belinda. She had a worn-out green polo with a name tag and some trousers. Her pockets were dirty and had stains dated from weeks back. “Y’ll had a good evening?” she asked, while pausing her TV show. General Hospital was definitely on.

As a natural outsider, I find myself surprised, and to be honest scared every time I drive to more rural areas, or just around conservative states. Racism, xenophobia, homophobia and animosity against anything labeled as different, takes on a special meaning when it’s targeted our way.

Cases like Poland prove me right: prison cells filled with politicians and activists; whose biggest mistake was having a different ideology and to speak up about it. In doubt of how big this problem is? Google how many states allow women to make informed decisions about their own body and future, or LGBT criminalization across the world. You would be shocked.

The idea of someone having a conflicting opinion makes sense, and it is in fact what follows a model of democracy, and what separates us from simpler species. The problem evolves when certain groups decide to go a step forward and inject violence into the battle, or even worse, create a political party and run for big chairs.

I started this trip thinking of expanding my horizon, meeting new people, changing some ideas. The collateral damage was confirming what many others fear: there is a severe lack of empathy and acceptance among many of us.

Our social duty is to embrace disagreements and see through different realities. Passports, flags, distinct accents, skin tones and sexual preferences are the spices that make our society rich and capable — and should never be used as a trigger for discrimination.

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Gabe Evaristo
Change Becomes You

Trying to get lost in the thrill of it all — while documenting it. Nonconformist, justice-seeker, into fiction and opinion pieces. Oh! also an MD. (He/Him/His)