Speaking Positivity, Power, and Forgiveness into Your Life

Say it out loud — enough for your mind to hear your voice saying the words and your heart to absorb their power.

Dianne M. Daniels
Change Becomes You


Graphic created by Dianne M. Daniels | July 2022 | All Rights Reserved

Affirmations are powerful sentences that can change your mindset and your life.

The spoken word has a LOT of power — tell a young child something often enough, and they’ll begin to believe it and take it to heart. That includes positive AND negative statements.

How many of us, as full-grown adults, can still hear the strident voice of an adult who thought too little of us and characterized our sincere efforts as “not good enough,” or who continues to carry the less-than-affirming labels others have applied to us?

In contrast, how many of us can remember positive, encouraging statements made to us by a loving parent, a favorite uncle or aunt, a beloved teacher, or another person that believed in us and saw our potential even when we didn’t?

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Both types of statements are Affirmations — and they have POWER.



Dianne M. Daniels
Change Becomes You

Empowering women to uplift their Souls & Build Self-Esteem with Affirmations & Journaling. Subscribe for updates: https://diannemdaniels.medium.com/subscribe