Stop Drifting, Man — Find Your Purpose

Actionable tips for men to create a life of meaning in 2024.

Natalya Permyakova
Change Becomes You
5 min readSep 10, 2024


Photo by Tiago Felipe Ferreira on Unsplash

It’s a question many of us ask at some point: Who am I, and what do I really want from life? In 2024, this question feels more pressing than ever. We live in a world full of endless options, pressures, and distractions. It’s easy to lose track of who we are beneath all the noise.

But finding your identity and purpose doesn’t have to be overwhelming. The answers lie within you — it’s just a matter of uncovering them. So, if you’re feeling a bit lost or stuck, it’s time to take a fresh approach to personal growth.

This isn’t about following the same tired advice. It’s about embracing uncommon strategies that are relevant for today’s fast-changing world.

Why Traditional Approaches Don’t Work Anymore

Let’s be real: traditional methods of finding purpose — like following a career path or ticking life’s typical boxes — don’t always lead to fulfillment. In fact, they often lead to a sense of being trapped. Why? Because they’re based on a model that assumes everyone wants the same things: a stable job, a house, and a predictable routine.

But the world in 2024 is different. More people are rejecting the conventional paths laid out for them and are instead opting for lives that reflect their true selves. They’re seeking flexibility, freedom, and meaning — things that don’t always come in a neat, pre-packaged life plan.

If you’re tired of feeling like you’re living someone else’s life, it’s time to do things differently.

Tip 1: Use Radical Self-Honesty to Define What Really Matters

In today’s world of social media and constant comparison, it’s easy to lose sight of what you truly value. We see curated lives and assume that’s what we should be striving for. But your purpose is deeply personal, and it can only be discovered through radical self-honesty.

Take some time to reflect: What do you genuinely care about? What kind of life feels meaningful to you? Forget what society, your family, or your peers expect. Be brutally honest with yourself.

Here’s a practical exercise to get started:

The “What If It All Went Away?” Test

Imagine that your job, money, and social status suddenly disappeared. Who are you without those things? What would you spend your time doing if no one else was watching? This question strips away the external layers and helps you uncover your core passions and values. Write down your answers, and use them as a guide to start redefining your purpose.

Tip 2: Embrace an Experimental Mindset

One of the most paralyzing aspects of modern life is the fear of making the wrong choice. With so many options, we often feel stuck, afraid that committing to one path means missing out on others. But here’s a mindset shift for 2024: instead of trying to “find” your purpose, experiment with different possibilities.

An experimental mindset allows you to explore without the pressure of permanence. Want to try a new career direction? Start a side project or take an online course before fully committing. Curious about a new lifestyle? Try it out for a month or two and see how it feels. The key is to approach life like a series of experiments — testing, learning, and adjusting as you go.

Example: The Mini-Sabbatical

Consider taking a “mini-sabbatical,” even for just two weeks. During this time, disconnect from your regular work or routine and focus entirely on activities that bring you joy or ignite curiosity. Whether it’s volunteering, traveling, or picking up a new skill, use this time to explore paths that align with your passions.

The goal isn’t to find a lifelong answer in two weeks — it’s to see how different choices feel and gather insights.

Tip 3: Redefine Success for Yourself

We live in a society that defines success in narrow terms — usually related to career achievement, wealth, or status. But 2024 is the perfect time to break away from these conventional definitions and create your own version of success.

Ask yourself: What does success really mean to me? Maybe it’s living a flexible lifestyle that allows you to spend more time with family. Maybe it’s finding work that aligns with your values, even if it’s less financially lucrative. Or perhaps it’s mastering a skill or achieving personal growth.

Practical Tip: Revisit Your KPIs (Key Personal Indicators)

Sit down and create a new list of KPIs for your life. These KPIs should reflect your personal values and goals. For example, one of your KPIs might be “Have one meaningful conversation per day” instead of “Earn X amount of money this year.” These indicators should measure the things that bring you fulfillment, not just traditional metrics of success.

Tip 4: Disconnect to Reconnect

In an always-connected world, it’s increasingly difficult to hear our own thoughts. Constant notifications, social media, and digital distractions can cloud our sense of self. If you’re struggling to find clarity, it’s time to disconnect — literally.

Digital detoxes aren’t just trendy — they’re essential. Give yourself time away from screens to reconnect with who you are beneath the noise. Go for a walk in nature, spend time journaling, or meditate. Silence and solitude can bring clarity, helping you tune into your true desires and purpose.

The Power of Going Offline

One participant from our community shared how a weekend spent offline transformed his perspective. After years of struggling to figure out what he wanted next in life, he booked a solo cabin retreat — no phone, no Wi-Fi, just time with his thoughts. By the end of the weekend, he had new clarity on his values and a renewed sense of purpose. It was as simple as disconnecting from the outside world to reconnect with himself.

Tip 5: Join a Purpose-Driven Community

Finally, one of the most powerful ways to discover your identity and purpose is by surrounding yourself with a supportive, purpose-driven community. You don’t have to do this alone. In fact, having others to share ideas with, gain feedback from, and provide accountability can make all the difference.

Consider joining a group, attending a workshop, or surrounding yourself with people who are also committed to personal growth. The synergy of collective motivation can help propel you forward.

Upcoming Workshop: Who Am I? Exploring Your Identity and Purpose

If you’re ready to take the first step in finding your purpose, join us for our free online workshop, Who Am I? Exploring Your Identity and Purpose. You’ll be guided through powerful exercises designed to help you dig deep and uncover your true self. Plus, you’ll connect with others on the same journey — people who are just as committed to living with intention as you are.

Sign up for the workshop today and take your first step toward a life that truly reflects you.


In 2024, the journey to finding your identity and purpose may look different than it did in the past — but that’s a good thing. The world is changing, and so are the paths to fulfillment. By embracing new mindsets, experimenting with different possibilities, and redefining success on your own terms, you can uncover your true self and design a life that brings meaning and joy.

If you’re ready to start, join our free workshop today. Your purpose is out there, waiting for you to claim it.



Natalya Permyakova
Change Becomes You

Entrepreneur, writer, founder of I write about designing and living life on your terms.