Stop Using These 20 Sexist Words in Everyday Misogyny

Don’t be the misogynist everyone hates.

Macey Malone
Change Becomes You


Not too long ago, I was on a train and a girl and a boy were sitting just a few seats away. They were looking at something on a phone and suddenly the boy yelled ‘she is just crazy’ so loud that I did a double-take. I have no idea what they were looking at but the intensity with which he said ‘crazy’ made me a bit uneasy.

For centuries, women have been grouped together and called many things. They are both good and bad stereotypes but hey we tend to somehow get known by names that unnecessarily represent ‘a bit’ more than just who we really are. One gender with so many faces in the society and thus being a woman can be very confusing. Usually portrayed in sex-stereotypical roles such as wives, mothers, daughters, and mistresses — she has been constantly called things that are used in derogatory terms. In many cultures around the world this ‘calling women things’ is so common that hundreds and thousands of women of all ages have been forced to commit suicide, remain ostracized, thrown out of their homes, abandoned by their families, or even murdered in the name of honor because of the tags they receive from the society.



Macey Malone
Change Becomes You

Traveler. Thinker. Writer — Seeking knowledge in the world of writing