Tapping for Men: How to Release Pressure Through Tapping
Dr. Peta Stapleton notes, “The evidence for EFT is compelling, with numerous clinical trials confirming its effectiveness in reducing anxiety and improving emotional well-being.”
By Eric Maisel
[Today I’m presenting a guest post from Kate Marillat, an international Tapping expert, on how Tapping can help men release pressure and stress. Two more posts from Kate will follow next week, to help you get a fuller picture of how this Energy Medicine technique might help you.]
Most of the men walk through the door of my online clinic carrying a backpack of expectations, from themselves, their families and the wider collective.
As a woman, I am well-versed in the pressure that my gender feels (hello, the mother lode), but it is not often that I hear about the nuances of male pressure until I have a man sitting in front of me.
Often men say, “It’s just got to be too much” or “Why am I so tired?” or “I don’t know why my partner is so angry with me, I’m doing the best I can.”
This pressure can manifest as all sorts of problems if it is not released, managed or even simply accepted without causing an emotional…