Telephonophobia: When Death Calls

The phone rings. Someone answers it. Someone dies.

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo credit: iStock

By Georgia Kreiger

The sound I heard that morning was from one of those Bell telephones, still in common use in the 1970s, with a rotary dial and an actual bell with a mechanical clapper. It jangled its urgent ding-a-ling-a-ling, demanding attention. I sometimes recall one ring only, an unusually long ring, as if announcing its significance. Other times I remember it as two rings, or as many as four. The memory of the sound changes from one recollection to the next.

I was home alone with my father on a mid-summer Saturday morning when I was twelve. I was an only child. My mother was at the drapery shop where she worked. The phone rang. My father answered it and, being a man of few words, said, Yep or Fine, and you? — I’m not sure exactly which, but I remember clearly that he ended with, Okay, see you soon.

After he hung up, he stepped out the back door. The sky was flat-matte clear, reminiscent of Easter mornings when my mother, father, and I, stiff in our once-a-year clothes, stood in front of the fuchsia rhododendrons that hedged our house while a neighbor snapped our picture with my father’s Polaroid. The intense warmth and brightness of the sun would have been just right for daylong romping in the backyard pool. But that…



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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