Ten Things of Thankful — COVID-19 Edition

Is it wrong if I just start this with a huge sigh?

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Lisa A. Listwa

Is it wrong if I just start this with a huge sigh?

So many things have elicited that reaction from me today — and the sighs have all been different. Sighs of frustration, of sadness, of relief. I’ve run the gamut of emotions today alone, never mind the last week. Never mind whatever lies ahead and for however long.

I have struggled for several days over whether to even write this post. I am completely on board with the idea of finding the blessings in life, in looking for the positive among the negative, in finding things for which we can be grateful when it feels like the world is simply hurling a load of crap at us one handful after another after another. The practice of gratitude has saved my life, in a manner of speaking. It has helped me through some very rough periods. It has brought me some very real connections with people I might not otherwise know.

But right now? I’m conflicted. I feel guilty expressing gratitude when I am acutely aware that there are so many others who can’t do the same. I consulted my husband. He said something to the effect of “just write it.” As much as doing so gives me pause, I think I’ll feel better reminding myself of some good today.



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

We're having a conversation about the changing roles of men in the 21st century. Main site is https://goodmenproject.com Email us info@goodmenproject.com