The 3 Beliefs Holding You Back From Reinventing Yourself

Katy-Rose, MSc, BSc, PWP
Change Becomes You
Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2020


One of the biggest blocks to people making a change in their life is the set of beliefs they hold. About how hard it will be. About if it’s the ‘right’ decision. About how much time it will take.

But in reality, there are 3 truths I want to share with anyone on the self-help journey.

Photo by Vlad Bagacian on Unsplash

Belief #1. We must accept, believe, and follow the ‘Shoulds’ of how we are expected-to-be.

It’s okay to fit into some boxes or not others. As long as those ‘shoulds’ are working for you and your life. Most of us never step back enough to realise how we’ve been programmed.

I’m a writer who barely drinks coffee and has never taken drugs. I do tend to write into the night, and I sometimes write while drinking to help ideas flow.
I’m also a millennial with a husband, mortgage and full-time job.
No, I don’t like avocados.

We are automatically programmed to accept and believe certain ‘facts’ by our culture, and the most important skill is to be curious and to question what you tell yourself.

When we identify those inner voices, and ask “is this true” it can put the power back into our hands. I especially like to ask “is this helping me?”



Katy-Rose, MSc, BSc, PWP
Change Becomes You

Melding Neuroscience & self-help to teach curious lifelong learners to redefine their resilience, personal growth, and sense of control.