The 7 Traits Successful People Share

Trevor Huffman
Change Becomes You
Published in
6 min readDec 15, 2023


Photo by Thomas Bjornstad on Unsplash

Life doesn’t get easier tomorrow; you learn how to handle the hard stuff life throws at you today.

And don’t get me wrong, there are days I wish relationships got easier.

Or startups got easier.

Or aging got easier.

Or staying fit got easier.

But it doesn’t; if anything, it gets more complicated.

The thing about success is that you get better at doing the tough stuff.

You need the difficult, rugged, challenging stuff to learn why the easy stuff improves your life.

Here are the seven traits that successful people share.

1. Successful people care about this (like a lot)

When trying to become a pro athlete, I’d always have a scouting report for the team we play next (in college or high school). Instead of just watching their player clips of who I’d be guarding, I watched entire games of the team we’d play. I’d not only study the guy I’d be guarding but also their entire team's tendencies. Weaknesses. Strengths. I’d observe how the team scored and what they were good at and figure out what we needed to do to win, and each week, this process would start over.

Scout, learn, prepare, and execute — this



Trevor Huffman
Change Becomes You

Hi. I'm Trevor. I write about egoless living relative to sports, business, leadership, and fitness. Subscribe today.