The Deadliest Weapon of All Time

A poem.

Macey Malone
Change Becomes You


Photo by Somchai Kongkamsri:

I often wonder how people perceive me

What they see is merely a jolly, motivated and cheerful person

versus what I am — a emotional, sad and introverted version.

The truer self is not even reflected in the mirror I see everyday,

all I see is a hideous pretense that I have put out on display.

Oh how I hide my sorrows in my heart.

If only I was able to set those feelings apart.

The sad and hurtful ones to dramatically less significant ones.

How I try to figure out where it all began.

I wonder..

I wonder what people do

when they have nothing to hold on to.

In situations, where they need to fight back and survive through.

Not with actual weapons,

but fighting with something more powerful

that is constantly arguing with the inner mind.

To try and make every thought process aligned.

A chaotic mind can be a dangerous one,

especially when words are left unspoken and undone.



Macey Malone
Change Becomes You

Traveler. Thinker. Writer — Seeking knowledge in the world of writing