The Flavors of Love: How Men Can Develop an Eloquence of the Heart

Men need words. We need a vocabulary of emotion. We need a language of the heart.

Anthony Signorelli
Change Becomes You


Licensed Image from Shutterstock

Men need words. We need a vocabulary of emotion. We need a language of the heart.

Most men don’t have language for feelings. When a woman says: “Tell me how you feel,” they stop. It’s awkward. He feels incompetent. And he hates that feeling.

Because if you don’t have the language, you can’t name the feeling. And if you can’t name the feeling, you don’t know how you feel.

I will help you grow that language in a series of essays on six major categories of emotion: love, grief, pain, anger, fear, shame. Each category of feeling will have several individual pieces. Yes, the male heart is that rich.

I will break down each as we try to understand the complex feelings included in each category. The goal? To help men feel — better, more, and deeper. And to help men speak their feelings. We can master the language of the heart, so let’s do it.

Today’s essay will be the first piece on love. (Watch for the others — there are at least six.)

Love is a universal emotion. Everyone experiences love — it is hardwired in the human condition. We love our parents…

