The Magic Elixir For Your Dreams

This is the key ingredient.

Kate Smithson | Anon Gray
Change Becomes You
2 min readMay 31, 2021


Image by Eveline de Bruin from Pixabay

I’m going to keep this short: shortcuts are the proverbial unicorn of dream chasing.

There’s no sidestepping painful, arduous or boring steps along the road to our dreams. Instead of seeking a magic portal, we need to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Easier said than done, there is a magic elixir that can make the journey a success no matter what.

You may think it’s a growth mindset. Our ability to perceive a situation in the grey allows us the flexibility to adapt to any situation. But this alone won’t get you guaranteed success.

Maybe you think it’s patience. We can all be in such a hurry to get to where we’re going, we forget to build our endurance along the way. Running a sprint isn’t the same as running a marathon. Still, patience isn’t the magic elixir.

Ambitious people know how to problem solve, prioritize, efficient-tize, and streamline their process so they can get to where they’re going faster. But putting efficiency systems or productivity habits into place still won’t do.

It’s not until we accept where we are that we will find our way to success.

Stop getting hot and bothered about how long it’s taking or how much effort it’s taken (I say this as someone whose gotten hot and bothered a time or two). Ignore the fact that someone else seems to be further ahead (someone will always be further ahead).

Acceptance of our own journey is the foundation to which we can build our dreams.

The road towards our dream is long. There’s no way around that fact. But when our foundation is built on enjoying the journey, we’re sure to find a sense of success, no matter where we end up.

And isn’t that the whole point anyway?

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Kate Smithson | Anon Gray
Change Becomes You

Smithson is the author of “The Space Between.” She’s also the creator of Anon Gray | Print, a zine about living life on purpose. Learn more at