The Rules Of Toxic Manhood

Break the rules by building healthy masculinity.

Drew Stegmaier
Change Becomes You
Oct 24, 2020


  1. You do not talk about manhood.
  2. You do not talk about manhood.
  3. If someone tears up or cries, their manhood is over.
  4. Only two seconds per hug.
  5. One alpha at a time.
  6. No feelings, no homo.
  7. Manhood like this will go on until men wake up.
  8. If this is your first time talking about manhood, you must keep the conversation going.

We talk endlessly about toxic masculinity. We need models of healthy masculinity. It’s time to rewrite the old rules. Men need to help each other, not hurt each other. Hurt people hurt people, and healed people heal people. It’s time to stop hurting and start healing. To display vulnerability is to display strength. Being a man in today’s world can be hard. It doesn’t have to be.

If you’re feeling bold, share a time where you felt trapped because you had to uphold your toxic manhood. By bringing consciousness to our current patterns of behavior, we become aware and empowered to change them. It takes courage to be healthy. Let’s keep the conversation going.

